all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 8AB 25 19 52.086326 -0.724046
MK16 8AP 6 2 52.087629 -0.719683
MK16 8AN 1 1 52.087749 -0.72008
MK16 8AQ 69 34 52.086904 -0.722585
MK16 8ET 54 6 52.087453 -0.722701
MK16 8AR 47 23 52.086949 -0.720949
MK16 8AT 13 5 52.086603 -0.722894
MK16 8AW 6 0 52.087244 -0.720021
MK16 8AY 47 0 52.088194 -0.722986
MK16 8BB 20 0 52.08649 -0.730069
MK16 8BD 7 0 52.084718 -0.730806
MK16 8BE 15 0 52.081638 -0.742962
MK16 8BG 8 1 52.082429 -0.740415
MK16 8BH 27 0 52.083913 -0.737104
MK16 8BJ 23 0 52.085431 -0.735237
MK16 8BL 45 2 52.084694 -0.737009
MK16 8BN 11 0 52.083787 -0.738742
MK16 8BP 8 0 52.083936 -0.739249
MK16 8BQ 12 0 52.082759 -0.739282
MK16 8BS 12 0 52.084868 -0.738916